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A very strange bit of information has been floating around with regard to Samsung’s recent launch of the Omnia HD i8910. At the reviewers meet I attended as well as included in the press kit I received we were told that the handset came equipped with a 1GHz CPU which was quite impressive of course.According to a report that was not entirely true. I decided to look into it myself and checked with my sources.

The truth actually is that the Omnia HD coming with a 1GHz processor is in fact not entirely true. Allow me to elaborate. A = the HD is equipped with a 600 MHz ARM Processor that’s a fact. B = It also however comes with is a 430Hz 3d Accelerator Processor. A + B = 1GHz of power and that’s the bottom line.

So perhaps Samsung should have been a little more explicit with the break up and of course this could also be a marketing strategy. Technically they aren't wrong either but they did specify a 1GHz Processor powering their 3D UI.

I’d very much like to hear your thoughts dear readers.


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