Back in the day, when the power of PC/console gaming hardware was the equivalent of what we'd call hamster-powered today, game designing was a rather restrictive affair and the balancing act between gameplay and presentation was far more difficult than it is now. In games where characters were little more than really low pixel-count sprites, complex character animation was possible in game engines themselves. But when studios opted for better visuals, the hardware could not support engine-driven animations and a game-engine's processing load at the same time.
What developer 'Advanced Microcomputer System' did to overcome this, was they dumped a whole lot of pre-rendered animated sequences on a disc, and depending on whether you fail or progress at any point in their 1983 hit "Dragon's Lair', the coinciding animation would be played. To break it down, the game was basically a sequence of pre-rendered cut-scenes driven by your actions. This helped surpass the need for a complex game engine, giving the hardware that much more resource to use power the game's visuals, so the game could adopt near-animated-movie looking visuals that were leagues ahead of the simple low-res sprite-based characters in game of those times. Understandably, gameplay got rather restrictive since the game was more cinematic than real-time/free-form. To keep things interactive they added context sensitive actions, where the game would require you to follow a certain key-presses in timely manner in order to progress. The grand-daddy of Quick Time Events was born.
Quick Time Events (QTE) is a method of gameplay where the player's given limited control of a game's character during cut scenes or cinematic sequences, and it generally involves the player following onscreen prompts to press buttons or perform other actions (like shaking the controller). Failing these segments takes the scene in a different course, most often to the player's death - Wikipedia |
Then came games like Ninja Blade - which was pretty much a game based around QTEs. In a day and age when there are so many options to design your control scheme around, Ninja Blade went the lazy way and pumped QTEs through out the game, to the point that you'd lose track of where the Quick Time Events end and when the actual gameplay begins. Having QTEs in such quick succession in a fast paced action game really ruins the pace, and makes you feel like you're just a spectator watching the game from a far. Also, throwing it in when you least expect it (or when want it the least) makes QTEs that much more painful.
In a game like God of War, you could pretty much anticipate when QTEs were going to take place, so you wouldn't be forced to follow fixed sequences when you're frustratedly unprepared. To make matters worse, every time you'd fail a QTE, you'd move to the starting of it over and over again till you'd get the timing perfect. Not only does this completely ruin the pace of the game, it pretty much stagnates it to a frustrating stand-still if you're stuck.
To sum up, QTEs are a welcome addition to games in small doses. An overdose of them can alienate you from the core gameplay, ruining the experience completely. Also, having you do simple things such as opening doors or grates using button mashes, is terribly annoying and I sure hope developers stop doing it. Making QTEs too difficult and manditory is terrible too, since if you can't get the timing right, you're pretty much left twiddling your thumbs and cursing the developer.
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