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Gamescom 2009: Dante's Inferno Dated

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EA’s answer to God of War III, Dante’s Inferno has been given a February 2010 release date at Gamescom 2009. The game will ship in America on the 9th of February and will hit the European market three days later. Since we follow the European release schedule as far as most publishers are concerned, expect the game in India by the 15th of February.

And in case you’ve just woken up from a deep slumber, here’s what the game’s all about:

This multimedia project is a fresh take on Dante Aligieri's epic poem trilogy, The Divine Comedy. However, this is no college course in literature -- instead, it's a dark, visceral, action-packed adventure that will take you to hell... literally. The bitter flaws of humanity become the horrors you must battle as you venture through the nine circles of the underworld -- Limbo, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Anger, Heresy, Violence, Fraud and Treachery.

Head over to the official site for more on the game.


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