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Gamescom2009: Brutal Legend Demo Next Month

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Tim Schafer’s latest game, Brutal Legend is looking rocking awesome (see what I did there?) and EA is giving us a taste of things to come via a single player demo that’ll hit both Xbox Live and PSN by the 15th of September 2009.

Brutal Legend releases on the 16th of October – sorry Rocktober - and if you still don’t know why this game is gonna be totally bitching, maybe this description of the demo will convince you:

Brutal Legend is an epic action game from visionary developer Tim Schafer. Jack Black stars as Eddie Riggs, a legendary roadie summoned to a heavy metal world where he must fight for the liberation of humanity from the demon Emperor Doviculus. In the demo, players get a preview of the game’s non-stop hack n’ slash action and mayhem. The demo opens as Eddie awakes in the age of metal where he must quickly learn how to use the powerful ancient axe, ‘The Separator’ and electrifying guitar ‘Clementine’ to unleash combo moves that destroy the demons of darkness.

As he comes face-to-face with zipper-faced nuns and devilish druids, Eddie encounters the beautiful and tough-as-nails Ophelia, an ally and would-be love interest. Together, Eddie and Ophelia use double team attacks for more powerful combo moves to defeat the rock demons that are after them. Luckily, they are bestowed with a super-charged, druid-destroying vehicle, ‘The Deuce’ that can be upgraded with weapons and armor throughout the game. From the bowels of the druid dungeon to the tops of corpse mountains, the Brütal Legend demo is just the beginning of an epic journey.


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